FLC Alumni class notes

Tuesday, June 4, 2024 | Class of 1981

Elisa Phelps (Southwest Studies, '81),  has been named Head of Curatorial Affairs at The Museum of Indian Arts & Culture (MIAC) in Santa Fe, NM. "Phelps brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in Native American art and culture, and her leadership is set to enhance the museum's mission of preserving and celebrating the diverse cultural heritage of Native American Communities." 

Read more about Phelps and her new position here.

Elisa Phelps

Wednesday, October 25, 2023 | Class of 1986

Paul Bernatis (Chemistry, '86), has been awarded the prestigious Dupont Pedersen Award. This award is given to individuals who have showcased outstanding achievements in their respective fields. Receiving this award shows the passion, dedication, and significant impact Paul has made in the world of Chemistry. 

Learn more here

Paul Bernatis

Wednesday, October 11, 2023 | Class of 2007

FLC alumnus Thomas Donley '07 had a press release for his organization, the Walls Project. This project is distinguished nonprofit organization dedicated to breaking down societal walls that discourage or prevent people from living safe, healthy, and prosperous lives. Originally a Baton-Rouge based organization this project has expanded its presence to the Durango and Colorado area.

The press release announced that the organization was awarded $6 million dollars as part of the U.S. Forests Services' investment made possible by this administration's Inflation Reduction Act. This grant will help plant and maintain trees, combat extreme heat and climate change, and improve access to nature in cities, town, and suburbs where more than 84% of Americans live, work, and play.

Learn more at about the Walls Project at https://www.thewallsproject.org 

Learn more about the grant at https://www.fs.usda.gov/managing-and/urban-forests/ucf/2023-grant-funding

Walls Project-Agroforestry Apprenticeship Program

Wednesday, September 6, 2023 | Class of 1979

The Schlessman Family Hall, named after FLC alumnus Gary Schlessman (Business Administration, '79) whose foundation donated $2 million to the project, will house classrooms for FLC’s public health and health and human performance departments.

The approximately $32.9 million structure quadruples the amount of lab space of Skyhawk Hall, where health sciences classes were previously held. The 42,000-square-foot building will also house an adaptive exercise lab, new study spaces, and faculty offices. It will also be home to the new women’s varsity sports locker rooms.Continue reading here...

Learn more at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YIeXV5wx3k


Gary Schlessman

Wednesday, September 6, 2023 | Class of 1995

FLC alumnus Justin Beals (English, ‘95) embarked on a motorcycle ride that would change his life. In S2 E2 of the Summits series, Beals discussed his journey to FLC, career in cybersecurity, and role as a storyteller. 

Continue learning more by watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBawj-7M_f4



Justin Beals

Wednesday, September 6, 2023 | Class of 2005

Reed Clément, English Communications ’05, created his own degree emphasis in videography while at FLC. After graduating, Reed headed for the locus of all things cinematic, Los Angeles, California. He now heads up Netflix’s CREATIVE LABS division at their Hollywood branch headquarters. Reed discusses his time at FLC, how it changed him, and how what he learned at the school informs his work today.

You can learn more by watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShvaA8QMAPQ 

Reed Clément

Tuesday, September 5, 2023 | Class of 2017

Charles Decker (Marketing, '17) was named Best Artist of 2022 by Chairman Ernie Stevens Jr. of the National Indian Gaming Association. You can also find Charles' work on permanent display in the National Congress of American Indians Embassy in Washington D.C.

Charles Decker

Tuesday, September 5, 2023 | Class of 2020

Camela Brown (Biology, '20) has been appointed as a member of the ARISE (Advancing Research and Innovation in the STEM Education of Preservice Teachers in High Need Districts) advisory board. In this prestigious position, she will provide support and guidance at the national level for high-need school districts. 

Camela Brown


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