Upcoming events


Alumni Breakfast at Hozhoni Days Powwow

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Student Union Vallecito Room

$8 Adult | $4 Youth | Age 2 & Under Free

Celebrate the Hozhoni Days Powwow, and join FLC Alumni and members of the Native American Alumni Chapter for a delicious breakfast. Reconnect with fellow Alumni, listen to our featured guest speakers, and catch up on chapter and FLC updates. 

Alumni Breakfast at Hozhoni Days Powwow

Career & Internship Expo

10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Student Union Ballroom


Join us for the Spring Career & Internship Expo. Nearly 100 employers in the area and beyond will attend this expo looking to hire FLC graduates and students. If you want to hire or be hired, do not miss this event. 

Career & Internship Expo

Arts April Alumni Showcase

5:30 PM - 8:30 PM

FLC Campus - Student Union Ballroom


Join us for a showcase of four FLC alums working in the arts, featuring actor Natalie Benally, filmmaker Charine Pilar Gonzales, comedian Kate McLachlan, and saxophonist Michael Gutierrez. Showcase will include panel discussion with the artists. 

Arts April Alumni Showcase

Undergraduate Research Symposium & Gala

9:00 AM - 5:30 PM

FLC Campus


This is an all-day event celebrating student research, design, and creative activities! Join us throughout the day and come to the Gala, where we will announce this year's Scholar Awards and celebrate research with student TED-like talks. 

Undergraduate Research Symposium & Gala

Spring Commencement

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

FLC Campus

We will celebrate our newest graduates with a reception for families and friends in the San Juan Dining hall immediately following the ceremony. 

Spring Commencement
6 - 7

Golden Graduate Weekend

Durango, CO


Alumni who graduated 50 + years ago, Class of 1975 and before, are invited to a special two-day celebration. Enjoy campus tours, a special reception, and a train ride with a picnic lunch. 

Golden Graduate Weekend

Past events


Featured fund: Summer Field Tour at The Old Fort

	]Summer Field Tour at The Old Fort[EasyDNNnews:EndIf:MainImageDescription]

Tour the fields and learn about high elevation growing practices with staff and participants in the Farmer Training Program.

Learn more about

Donate to Summer Field Tour at The Old Fort

Tour the fields and learn about high elevation growing practices with staff and participants in the Farmer Training Program. Since 2012, the Old Fort’s programs have trained dozens of beginning farmers through hands-on training and classroom education. We love sharing our work and a few of our favorite tips for growing high elevation vegetables. We will be walking up to a half mile over dirt roads and on farm paths, so bring comfortable shoes and dress for the weather.


Meet at the Old Fort Country Store, 25 minutes from Durango. Head west on Highway 160. At Hesperus, turn left on Highway 140. Go four miles south and turn right into the second (middle) driveway. The Country Store is a small light green building and will be the first one on your left.

For more information, contact Elicia Whittlesey: ewwhittlesey@fortlewis.edu or 970-822-8714.